English to Chinese Dictionary


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印象 yìn xiàng impression (sth that stays in one's mind) / a memory
君子远庖厨 jūn yuàn páo chú lit. a nobleman stays clear of the kitchen (idiom, from Mencius) / fig. a nobleman who has seen a living animal cannot bear to see it die, hence he keeps away from the kitchen
宅男 zhái nán a guy who stays at home all the time, typically spending a lot of time playing online games (derived from Japanese "otaku")
擂台赛 lèi tái sài single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated)
肉烂在锅里 ròu làn zài guō lit. the meat falls apart as it stews, but it all stays in the pot (idiom) / fig. some of us may lose or gain, but in any case the benefits don't go to outsiders

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