English to Chinese Dictionary


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身份 shēn fèn identity / aspect of one's identity (i.e. sth that one is – mayor, father, permanent resident etc) / role / capacity (as in "in his capacity as a ..." 以…的身份[yi3 xx5 de5 shen1 fen4]) / status (social, legal etc) / position / rank
地位 wèi position / status / place / CL:個|个[ge4]
待遇 dài treatment / pay / salary / status / rank
等级 děng grade / rank / status
成分 chéng fèn composition; ingredient; element; component / one's social status
制服 zhì to subdue / to check / to bring under control / (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status / uniform (army, party, school etc) / livery (for company employees) / CL:套[tao4]
低下 xià low status / lowly / to lower (one's head)
同等 tóng děng equal to / having the same social class or status
pān to climb (by pulling oneself up) / to implicate / to claim connections of higher status
隐身 yǐn shēn to hide oneself / invisible (person or online status)
身价 shēn jià social status / price of a slave / price of a person (a sportsman etc) / worth / value (of stocks, valuables etc)
小人 xiǎo rén person of low social status (old) / I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself) / nasty person / vile character
门当户对 mén dāng duì the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom) / (of a prospective marriage partner) an appropriate match
láng (arch.) minister / official / noun prefix denoting function or status / a youth
恶搞 è gǎo spoof (web-based genre in PRC, acquiring cult status from 2005, involving humorous, satirical or fantastical videos, photo collections, texts, poems etc)
高位 gāo wèi high position / eminent status / top job / raised position / upper (limbs) / a high (i.e. local maximum) / high point on scale, high grade, temperature, latitude etc
成份 chéng fèn composition / make-up / ingredient / element / component / one's social status / same as 成分
对等 duì děng equal status / equal treatment / parity (under the law) / equity / reciprocity
下嫁 xià jià (of a woman) to marry a man of lower social status / to marry down
门第 mén family status
申遗 shēn to apply for UNESCO World Heritage status
扶正 zhèng to set sth upright or straight / to promote an employee from part-time to full-time (or from deputy to principal) / (old) to raise from concubine to wife status
安于现状 ān xiàn zhuàng to take things as they are (idiom) / to leave a situation as it is / to be happy with the status quo
掉价 diào jià drop in price / devalued / to have one's status lowered
门楣 mén méi lintel (of a door) / fig. family's social status

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