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zhèn disposition of troops / wave / spate / burst / spell / short period of time / classifier for events or states of short duration
Wèi surname Wei / name of a vassal state of the Zhou dynasty from 661 BC in Shanxi, one of the Seven Hero Warring States / Wei state, founded by Cao Cao 曹操[Cao2 Cao1], one of the Three Kingdoms after the Han dynasty / the Wei dynasty 221-265 / Wei Prefecture or Wei County at various times in history
Yuè generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods / abbr. for Vietnam 越南
Zhào surname Zhao / one of the seven states during the Warring States period (476-220 BC) / the Former Zhao 前趙|前赵[Qian2 Zhao4] (304-329) and Later Zhao 後趙|后赵[Hou4 Zhao4] (319-350), states of the Sixteen Kingdoms
美国 Měi guó United States; USA; US
Hán Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄 / Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897 / Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国 / surname Han
韩国 Hán guó South Korea (Republic of Korea) / Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄[zhan4 guo2 qi1 xiong2] / Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897
(name of states and dynasties at several different periods) / surname Qi
战国 Zhàn guó the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
函谷关 Hán Guān Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
渔阳 yáng old place name (in Yan of Warring states, in modern Beijing city)
纵横 zòng héng lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal / length and breadth / criss-crossed / able to move unhindered / abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2], School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
农家 Nóng jiā School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
名家 Míng jiā School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names
花旗 huā the Stars and Stripes (US flag) / by extension, the United States of America / abbr. for Citibank 花旗銀行|花旗银行
道家 Dào jiā Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings of Laozi or Lao-tze 老子[Lao3 zi3] (c. 500 BC-) and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3] (369-286 BC)
苏丹 dān Sudan / sultan (ruler of some Muslim states, esp. Ottoman Emperor)
美分 Měi fēn one cent (United States coin)
吴起 Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), author of Wuzi 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
燕赵 Yān Zhào Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring States in Hebei and Shanxi / beautiful women / women dancers and singers
屈原 Yuán Qu Yuan (340-278 BC), famous Warring States statesman and poet, author of Sorrow at Parting 離騷|离骚 Lisao in Songs of Chu 楚辭|楚辞
Chǔ surname Chu / abbr. for Hubei 湖北省[Hu2bei3 Sheng3] and Hunan 湖南省[Hu2nan2 Sheng3] provinces together / Chinese kingdom during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods (722-221 BC)
全美 quán Měi throughout the United States / the whole of America
韩非 Hán Fēi Han Fei, also known as Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子[Han2 Fei1 zi3] (c. 280-233 BC), Legalist philosopher of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)
秦国 Qín guó the state of Qin, one of the seven states of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)

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