English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: stand standby stunts ?

zhàn station / to stand / to halt / to stop / branch of a company or organization / website
起来 lai to stand up; to get up / also pr. [qi3lai2]
zuò seat / base / stand / (archaic) suffix used in a respectful form of address, e.g. 师座|师座[shi1 zuo4] / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects
kào to lean against or on / to stand by the side of / to come near to / to depend on / to trust / to fuck (vulgar) / traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
站住 zhàn zhù to stand
代表 dài biǎo representative / delegate / CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4],名[ming2] / to represent / to stand for / on behalf of / in the name of
tái platform / stage / terrace / stand / support / station / broadcasting station / classifier for vehicles or machines
zhǐ finger / to point at or to / to indicate or refer to / to depend on / to count on / (of hair) to stand on end
shòu to receive / to accept / to suffer / subjected to / to bear / to stand / pleasant / (passive marker) / (LGBT) bottom
主持 zhǔ chí to take charge of / to manage or direct / to preside over / to uphold / to stand for (justice etc) / to host (a TV or radio program etc) / (TV) anchor
感冒 gǎn mào to catch cold / (common) cold / CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] / (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative) / (Tw) to detest / can't stand
支持 zhī chí to be in favor of / to support / to back / support / backing / to stand by / CL:個|个[ge4]
主张 zhǔ zhāng to advocate / to stand for / view / position / stand / proposition / viewpoint / assertion / CL:個|个[ge4]
独立 independent / independence / to stand alone
受不了 shòu liǎo unbearable / unable to endure / can't stand
to separate / to partition / to stand or lie between / at a distance from / after or at an interval of
to substitute for / to take the place of / to replace / for / on behalf of / to stand in for
to stand / to set up / to establish / to lay down / to draw up / at once / immediately
to pull up / to pull out / to draw out by suction / to select / to pick / to stand out (above level) / to surpass / to seize
象征 xiàng zhēng emblem / symbol / token / badge / to symbolize / to signify / to stand for
对抗 duì kàng to withstand / to resist / to stand off / antagonism / confrontation
表态 biǎo tài to declare one's position / to say where one stands
chuō to jab / to poke / to stab / (coll.) to sprain / to blunt / to fuck (vulgar) / to stand / to stand (sth) upright / stamp / seal
立足 to stand / to have a footing / to be established / to base oneself on
tān to spread out / vendor's stand

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