English to Chinese Dictionary


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斑点 bān diǎn spot / stain / speckle
污渍 stain
罪名 zuì míng charge; accusation / stigma; bad name; stained reputation
泪痕 lèi hén tear stains
to soak / to be stained / stain / floodwater
污点 diǎn stain / taint
上色 shàng shǎi to color (a picture etc) / to dye (fabric etc) / to stain (furniture etc)
脏污 zāng to dirty / to sully / to stain
玷污 diàn to stain / to sully / to tarnish
锈迹 xiù rust stain
色斑 bān stain / colored patch / freckle / lentigo
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 jìn zhū zhě chì , jìn zhě hēi those who handle cinnabar are stained red; those who work with ink are stained black (idiom) / you are the product of your environment
to stain / to dye
污迹 blotch; stain
茶垢 chá gòu tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot, tea cup etc)
斑斑 bān bān full of stains or spots
墨渍 ink stain / ink blot / spot / smudge
茶锈 chá xiù tea stain (on the inside of a tea pot, tea cup etc)
涤瑕 xiá to cleanse away a stain
水渍 shuǐ water spot / water stain / wet spot / damp patch / water damage
梨花带雨 huā dài lit. like raindrops on a pear blossom (idiom) / fig. tear-stained face of a beauty
瑞氏染料 ruì shì rǎn liào Wright's stain (used in studying blood)
瑞氏染色 ruì shì rǎn Wright's stain (used in studying blood)
革兰氏 lán shì Mr Gram / Dr. Hans Christian Jaochim Gram (1953-1938), Danish doctor and inventor of the Gram stain 革蘭氏染色法|革兰氏染色法
革兰氏染色法 lán shì rǎn Gram stain (used to distinguished two different kinds of bacteria)

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