English to Chinese Dictionary


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球场 qiú chǎng stadium / sports ground / court / pitch / field / golf course / CL:個|个[ge4],處|处[chu4]
体育馆 guǎn gym / gymnasium / stadium / CL:個|个[ge4]
体育场 chǎng stadium / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
入场 chǎng to enter the venue for a meeting / to enter into an examination / to enter a stadium, arena etc
鸟巢 niǎo cháo bird's nest / nickname for Beijing 2008 Olympic stadium
席位 wèi a seat (in a theater, stadium etc) / parliamentary or congressional seat
爆满 bào mǎn filled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc)
主场 zhǔ chǎng home ground (sports) / home field / main venue / main stadium
揭牌 jiē pái to unveil the plaque for (a school, shop, stadium etc); to inaugurate; to officially open
工体 Gōng abbr. for 北京工人體育場|北京工人体育场[Bei3 jing1 Gong1 ren2 Ti3 yu4 chang3], Workers Stadium
外场 wài chǎng outer area (of a place that has an inner area) / dining area of a restaurant (as opposed to the kitchen) / outfield (baseball etc) / area outside a venue (e.g. exterior of a stadium) / field (maintenance, testing etc) / (Chinese opera) the area in front of the table on the stage
冰场 bīng chǎng skating or ice rink / ice stadium / ice arena
巨蛋 dàn oval-shaped stadium / dome / arena
奥林匹克体育场 Ào lín chǎng Olympic Stadium
上海体育场 Shàng hǎi chǎng Shanghai Stadium
凯林赛 kǎi lín sài keirin cycle race (paced stadium event) (loanword from Japanese 競輪 "keirin")
北京国家体育场 Běi jīng Guó jiā chǎng Beijing National Stadium
北京工人体育场 Běi jīng Gōng rén chǎng Workers Stadium
比赛场 sài chǎng stadium / playing field for a competition
自行车馆 xíng chē guǎn cycling stadium / velodrome
赛车场赛 sài chē chǎng sài stadium cycle race

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