English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: stock stick stuck stacy stage sticky stake sticks ?

duī to pile up / to heap up / a mass / pile / heap / stack / large amount
weight / number / code / to pile / to stack / classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc
zhàn a wooden or bamboo pen for sheep or cattle / wood or bamboo trestlework / a warehouse / (computing) stack
luò to pile up / to stack / a pile / a stack
码放 fàng to pile up / to stack up
堆放 duī fàng to pile up; to stack
屉子 zi drawer / stackable cooking vessel / woven mat on a bed frame or chair / woven window screen
叠放 dié fàng to stack; to lay one on top of another
叠层 dié céng repeated layers / stratified / laminated / stacked / piled strata
纸堆 zhǐ duī papers / stack of paper
栈顶 zhàn dǐng stack top (computing)
进栈 jìn zhàn (computing) to push (a value) onto a stack
堆叠 duī dié to pile up / to put layer upon layer / (Tw) (computing) stack
技术栈 shù zhàn technology stack
全栈 quán zhàn full technology stack; full-stack
栈存储器 zhàn cún chǔ stack memory (computing)
全端工程师 quán duān gōng chéng shī full-stack developer (computing)
堆栈 duī zhàn stack (computing) / storehouse / warehouse
堆积木 duī to play with stacking blocks
堆高车 duī gāo chē high-lift pallet truck; pallet stacker
栈地址 zhàn zhǐ stack address (computing)
stack grain stalks evenly

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