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圣乔治 | Shèng qiáo zhì | St George |
圣保罗 | Shèng bǎo luó | St Paul / São Paulo, city in Brazil |
贞德 | Zhēn dé | Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English / also called Jehanne Darc, the Maid or Orleans, Joan of Arc or St Joan |
大数 | Dà shù | Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul |
玛丽娅 | Mǎ lì yà | Maria (name) / St Mary |
路加 | Lù jiā | Luke / St Luke the evangelist |
约翰一书 | Yuē hàn yī shū | First epistle of St John |
马可福音 | Mǎ kě Fú yīn | Gospel according to St Mark |
帖撒罗尼迦前书 | Tiě sā luó ní jiā qián shū | First epistle of St Paul to the Thessalonians |
南京路 | Nán jīng lù | Nanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai |
玛窦 | Mǎ dòu | Matthew / St Matthew the evangelist / less common variant of 馬太|马太[Ma3 tai4] (preferred by the Catholic Church) |
约翰三书 | Yuē hàn sān shū | Third epistle of St John |
启示录 | Qǐ shì lù | the Revelation of St John the divine / the Apocalypse |
路加福音 | Lù jiā Fú yīn | Gospel according to St Luke |
以弗所书 | Yǐ fú suǒ shū | Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians |
腓利门书 | Féi lì mén shū | Epistle of St Paul to Philemon |
圣奥古斯丁 | Shèng ào gǔ sī dīng | St Augustine / Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher / Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany |
哥林多后书 | Gē lín duō Hòu shū | Second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians |
罗马书 | Luó mǎ shū | Epistle of St Paul to the Romans |
圣马洛 | Shèng mǎ luò | St Malo, town in Normandy |
圣赫勒拿 | Shèng hè lēi ná | St Helena |
提多 | Tí duō | Titus (1st century AD), Christian missionary, disciple of St. Paul |
冬宫 | Dōng gōng | Winter Palace (St Petersburg) / Hermitage Museum |
犹大书 | Yóu dà shū | Epistle of St Jude (in New Testament) |
若望福音 | Ruò wàng Fú yīn | Gospel according to St John |