English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: squad said suit squat stud suide shuidi skid ?

鱿鱼 yóu squid
枪乌贼 qiāng zéi squid
小管 xiǎo guǎn young squid (Tw)
中卷 zhōng juǎn adult squid, typically more than 15 cm long with a slender body and fins in the shape of a big rhombus (Tw)
锁管 suǒ guǎn general term for squids (Tw)
wàn wrist / (squid, starfish etc) arm
吸血乌贼 xuè zéi vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis)
小卷 xiǎo juǎn young squid (Tw)
软足类 ruǎn lèi (coll.) inkfish; octopus, squid and cuttlefish
透抽 tòu chōu swordtip squid (Tw)
头足纲 tóu gāng Cephalopoda, class of mollusks including nautilus and squid

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