English to Chinese Dictionary


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bān team; class; grade / (military) squad / work shift / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier for groups of people and scheduled transport vehicles
班长 bān zhǎng class monitor / squad leader / team leader / CL:個|个[ge4]
领队 lǐng duì to lead a group / leader of a group / captain (of sports squad)
啦啦队 duì cheerleading squad
枪毙 qiāng to execute by firing squad / to shoot dead / fig. to discard / to get rid of
squad of five soldiers / to associate with / five (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
敢死队 gǎn duì suicide squad / kamikaze unit
分队 fēn duì military platoon or squad
同班 tóng bān to be in the same class / to be in the same squad / classmate
拉拉队 duì cheerleading squad / also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队
劲旅 jìng strong contingent / elite squad
枪决 qiāng jué to execute by firing squad / same as 槍斃|枪毙
别动队 bié dòng duì special detachment / commando / an armed secret agent squad
仪队 duì honor guard / parade squad
分班 fēn bān to divide people into groups, teams, squads etc
班务会 bān huì a routine meeting of a squad / team or class
行刑队 xíng xíng duì firing squad
防暴警察 fáng bào jǐng chá riot police / riot squad

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