English to Chinese Dictionary


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sháo spoon / ladle / CL:把[ba3] / abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume)
echiuroid (spoon worm)
dagger / ladle / ancient type of spoon
chí spoon
汤匙 tāng chí soup spoon / tablespoon / CL:把[ba3]
biāo (literary) handle of a spoon or ladle / (literary) collective name for the three stars that form the handle of the Big Dipper
漏勺 lòu sháo perforated spoon / strainer spoon / skimmer
调羹 tiáo gēng spoon
zuǎn (literary) bamboo tube used to hold chopsticks or spoons
spoon / ladle
spoon / key
脑杓 nǎo sháo the spoon shape slope on the nape
海肠子 hǎi cháng zi (coll.) marine worm resembling intestines such as the spoon worm (echiuroid) or the peanut worm (Sipunculus nudus)
瓢羹 piáo gēng (dialect) spoon
三号木杆 sān hào gān spoon (golf)
公勺 gōng sháo serving spoon / centiliter (i.e. 10 ml), abbr. to 勺[shao2]
勺嘴鹬 sháo zuǐ (bird species of China) spoon-billed sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea)
抱睡 bào shuì to hold a baby or child while they sleep / to spoon with one's partner
燃烧匙 rán shāo chí deflagrating spoon / combustion spoon

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