English to Chinese Dictionary


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luǎn egg; ovum; spawn / (coll.) testicles / (old) penis / (expletive) fucking
菌种 jūn zhǒng (microorganism) species; strain / (fungus and mushroom) spore; spawn
业障 zhàng karmic hindrance (Buddhism) / karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment / (term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn / (fig.) money
孽种 niè zhǒng bane of one's existence / vile spawn
衍伸 yǎn shēn to give rise (to) / to spawn / to spread (to)
狗日 gǒu lit. fucked or spawned by a dog / contemptible / lousy, fucking
蟹黄水 xiè huáng shuǐ crab roe / crab spawn / (used for crab meat in general)

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