English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: so shu su sow see soy zou shou ?

sōu to search
sōu classifier for ships / Taiwan pr. [sao1]
sōu to blow (as of wind) / sound of wind / sough
sōu (onom.) whooshing / swishing / rustle of skirts
sōu to search / be concealed
sǒu used in 抖擻|抖擞[dou3sou3]
sòu (dialect) to stoke the embers (to revive a fire) / Taiwan pr. [sou3]
sòu (bound form) to cough
sōu rancid / soured (as food)
sǒu marsh / gathering place
sǒu to urge on / incite
sōu to urinate
sōu used in 蠼螋[qu2sou1]
sǒu blind
sōu (literary) madder (Rubia cordifolia) / (literary) to hunt, esp. in spring / (literary) to gather; to collect
sōu to engrave (metal of wood)
Sōu see 鄋瞞|鄋瞒[Sou1 man2]
sǒu old gentleman / old man
sōu old variant of 廋[sou1]
sōu dog (dial.) / to hunt
sōu Japanese variant of 搜[sou1]
sǒu basket for draining rice
𫍲 sǒu to induce

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