English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sick shock sack soak suck socks so such ?

袜子 zi socks / stockings / CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4],雙|双[shuang1]
socks / stockings
鞋袜 xié shoes and socks
短袜 duǎn sock
后跟 hòu gēn heel (part of a foot) / heel (of a sock) / counter (the part of a shoe that cups the back of one's heel) / followed by (used in describing a format, such as "filename followed by file extension")
发奋图强 fèn qiáng to make an effort to become strong (idiom); determined to do better / to pull one's socks up
合脚 jiǎo fitting one's feet (of shoes or socks)
罗口 luó kǒu rib collar / rib top of socks
name of a tribe / socks / stockings
靿子 yào zi leg (aka shaft) of a boot; leg of a sock
泡泡袜 pào pao loose socks / baggy socks
船袜 chuán ankle socks / invisible socks
yào the leg of a boot or sock
高靿 gāo yào (of boots, socks etc) long; high; tall

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