English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sneaky snake snack snag ?

偷袭 tōu to mount a sneak attack / to raid
抱头鼠窜 bào tóu shǔ cuàn to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously
混入 hùn to sneak into
越境 yuè jìng to cross a border (usually illegally) / to sneak in or out of a country
钻心 zuān xīn to sneak in / to infiltrate / to be piercingly painful / to be unbearable (of pain, itch etc)
贼喊捉贼 zéi hǎn zhuō zéi lit. a thief crying "Stop the thief!" (idiom) / fig. to accuse sb of a theft and try to sneak away oneself / to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others
逃票 táo piào to sneak in without a ticket / to stow away
挨近 āi jìn to approach / to get close to / to sneak up on / near to
混进 hùn jìn to infiltrate / to sneak into
偷跑 tōu pǎo to sneak off; to slip away / (sports) to jump the gun; to make a false start / (fig.) to jump the gun; to start doing sth before it's allowed / (of a movie, game etc) to be leaked before the official release
翘班 qiào bān to skip work / to sneak out of work early
抱头鼠蹿 bào tóu shǔ cuān to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously / also written 抱頭鼠竄|抱头鼠窜
潜近 qián jìn to sneak up on
潜进 qián jìn to sneak in / to infiltrate

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