English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: smuggle smuggler snuggle smugglers ?

走私 zǒu to smuggle / to have an illicit affair
水货 shuǐ huò smuggled goods / unauthorized goods
走漏 zǒu lòu to leak (information, secrets etc) / to smuggle and evade tax / to suffer shrinkage (partial loss of goods due to theft etc)
夹带 jiā dài to carry within it / to be mixed in / to slip sth in / to intersperse / (hydrology etc) to entrain / to smuggle / notes smuggled into an exam
缉私 to suppress smugglers / to search for smuggled goods
偷运 tōu yùn to smuggle
查缉 chá to search for and seize (criminals, smuggled goods etc)
带货 dài huò (coll.) to smuggle
贩私 fàn to traffic (smuggled goods) / illegal trading
水客 shuǐ smuggler, esp. of electronic goods from Macao or Hong Kong to Guangdong / boatman / fisherman / itinerant trader
人蛇集团 rén shé tuán human smuggling syndicate / snakehead gang
人赃俱获 rén zāng huò (of a thief, smuggler etc) to be caught with stolen or illegal goods / to be caught red-handed
偷渡者 tōu zhě smuggled illegal alien / stowaway
反走私 fǎn zǒu to oppose smuggling / anti-contraband (measures, policy etc)
私运 yùn to smuggle
蛇头 shé tóu head of a snake / human smuggler
赖昌星 Lài Chāng xīng Lai Changxing (1958-), notorious Xiamen mafia boss involved in large scale corruption and smuggling, extradited from Canada back to China in 2008
走私品 zǒu pǐn smuggled product / contraband / pirate product
走私货 zǒu huò smuggled goods

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