English to Chinese Dictionary


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tuán round / lump / ball / to roll into a ball / to gather / regiment / group / society / classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)
yān cigarette or pipe tobacco / CL:根[gen1] / smoke / mist / vapour / CL:縷|缕[lu:3] / tobacco plant / (of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke
抽烟 chōu yān to smoke (tobacco)
抽烟 chōu yān to smoke (tobacco) (variant of 抽菸|抽烟[chou1yan1])
吸烟 yān to smoke
thigh / part of a whole; portion of a sum / (finance) stock; share / strand of a thread / low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1] / classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc / classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff / classifier for bands of people, gangs etc / classifier for sudden forceful actions
silk / thread-like thing; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips / classifier: a trace (of smoke etc), a tiny bit etc
烟火 yān huǒ smoke and fire / fireworks
香烟 xiāng yān smoke from incense (burned as an offering to one's ancestors); (fig.) continuation of family line / cigarette (CL:支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2],根[gen1],包[bao1],盒[he2])
xūn to smoke / to fumigate / to assail the nostrils / to perfume
弥漫 màn to pervade / to fill the air / diffuse / everywhere present / about to inundate (water) / permeated by (smoke) / filled with (dust) / to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc)
strand / thread / detailed / in detail / classifier for wisps (of smoke, mist or vapor), strands, locks (of hair)
xūn fragrance / warm / to educate / variant of 熏[xun1] / to smoke / to fumigate
péng fleabane (family Asteraceae) / disheveled / classifier for luxuriant plants, smoke, ashes, campfires: clump, puff
烟雾 yān smoke / mist / vapor / smog / fumes
烟气 yān smoke
缭绕 liáo rào (of smoke from a chimney) to curl upward / (of a sound) to linger on
香干 xiāng gān smoked bean curd
排烟 pái yān to discharge smoke
炊烟 chuī yān smoke from kitchen chimneys
qiàng to irritate the nose / to choke (of smoke, smell etc) / pungent / (coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb / to scold / to speak out against sb
suì (bound form) material or tool used to light a fire by means of friction or the sun's rays / (bound form) beacon fire (alarm signal in border regions), esp. one lit during daytime to produce smoke
狼烟 láng yān smoke signal indicating the presence of hostile forces
硝烟 xiāo yān smoke (from guns)
氤氲 yīn yūn (literary) (of smoke, mist) dense; thick

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