English to Chinese Dictionary


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tiān day / sky / heaven
晴天 qíng tiān clear sky / sunny day
阴天 yīn tiān cloudy day; overcast sky
星星 xīng xing (coll.) a star; the stars in the sky
天上 tiān shàng the sky; the heavens
kōng empty / air / sky / in vain
天空 tiān kōng sky
空中 kōng zhōng in the sky / in the air
蓝天 lán tiān blue sky
上空 shàng kōng the skies above a certain place; (aviation) airspace / (Tw) topless
翻天覆地 fān tiān sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion / everything turned on its head
半边天 bàn biān tiān half the sky / women of the new society / womenfolk
繁星 fán xīng many stars / a vast sky full of stars
天大 tiān gargantuan / as big as the sky / enormous
星空 xīng kōng starry sky; the star-studded heavens
xiá rose-tinted sky or clouds at sunrise or sunset
hào vast and limitless / the vast sky
天心 tiān xīn center of the sky / will of heaven / will of the Gods / the monarch's will
青云 qīng yún clear sky / fig. high official position / noble
蔚蓝 wèi lán azure; sky-blue
铺天盖地 tiān gài lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering / omnipresent / of universal importance
漫天 màn tiān lit. to fill the whole sky / everywhere / as far as the eye can see
qióng vault / dome / the sky
当空 dāng kōng overhead / up in the sky
玄武 Xuán Black Tortoise (the seven mansions of the north sky) / (in Daoism) God of the north sky

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