English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: skin shiny sunny sinn ?

裸泳 luǒ yǒng to swim naked; to skinny-dip
排骨 pái pork chop / pork cutlet / spare ribs / (coll.) skinny person
luán skinny / sliced meat
骨感 gǎn bony; skinny
干瘦 gān shòu wizened / skinny and shriveled
瘦骨嶙峋 shòu lín xún skinny; emaciated (idiom)
削瘦 xuē shòu thin / lean / slender / skinny / (of cheeks) hollow
柴禾妞 chái niū skinny and unsophisticated girl
泡芙人 pào rén (coll.) skinny fat person (person who is MONW: metabolically obese normal weight)
瘦骨棱棱 shòu léng léng bony / skinny
筷子腿 kuài zi tuǐ (coll.) skinny legs
芦柴棒 chái bàng reed stem / (fig.) extremely skinny person
骨头架子 tou jià zi skeleton / skinny person / a mere skeleton

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