English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sketch sketchy stitches switches ?

笔记 to take down (in writing) / notes / a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches / CL:本[ben3]
相声 xiàng sheng comic dialogue / sketch / crosstalk
构思 gòu to design / to plot / to plan out / to compose / to draw a mental sketch / conception / plan / idea / composition
勾画 gōu huà to sketch out / to delineate
素描 miáo sketch
简述 jiǎn shù to outline / to summarize / to sketch / summary / brief description / concise narrative / in a nutshell / briefly
速写 xiě quick sketch
段子 duàn zi item of storytelling or performed dialogue (folk arts) / sketch
人像 rén xiàng likeness of a person (sketch, photo, sculpture etc)
绘图 huì to chart; to sketch; to draft; to plot
剪影 jiǎn yǐng paper-cut silhouette / outline / sketch
取景 jǐng to select a scene (for filming, sketching etc)
草稿 cǎo gǎo draft / outline / sketch
写生 xiě shēng to sketch from nature / to do a still life drawing
打底 to lay a foundation (also fig.) / to make a first sketch / to eat sth before drinking / to apply an undercoat
草图 cǎo a sketch / rough drawing
勾勒 gōu to draw the outline of / to outline / to sketch / to delineate contours of / to give a brief account of
小传 xiǎo zhuàn sketch biography / profile
笔谈 tán to communicate by means of written notes (instead of speaking) / to publish one's opinion (e.g. as part of a scholarly dialogue) / (in book titles) essays / sketches
本纪 běn biographic sketch of an emperor
略图 lüè sketch; sketch map; thumbnail picture
传略 zhuàn lüè biographical sketch
稿本 gǎo běn manuscript (of a book etc) / sketch (of a design etc)
事略 shì lüè biographical sketch
勾划 gōu huà to sketch; to delineate

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