English to Chinese Dictionary


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(prefix indicating ordinal number, as in 第六[di4-liu4] "sixth") / (literary) grades in which successful candidates in the imperial examinations were placed / (old) residence of a high official / (literary) but; however / (literary) only; just
六月 Liù yuè June / sixth month (of the lunar year)
wěi tail / remainder / remnant / extremity / sixth of the 28 constellations / classifier for fish
self / oneself / sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] / sixth in order / letter "F" or Roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc / hexa
乾隆 Qián lóng Qianlong Emperor (1711-1799), sixth Qing emperor, princely title 寶親王|宝亲王[Bao3 Qin1 wang2], personal name 弘曆|弘历[Hong2 li4], reigned 1735-1799
Li (c. 2000 BC), sixth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Ai 哀[Ai1]
己丑 chǒu twenty-sixth year F2 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2009 or 2069
己巳 sixth year F6 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1989 or 2049
正统 Zhèng tǒng Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhu1 Qi2 zhen4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449, temple name Yingzong 英宗[Ying1 zong1]
sixth (extra) toe / to crawl
己亥 hài thirty-sixth year F12 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1959 or 2019
己酉 yǒu forty-sixth year F10 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1969 or 2029
己未 wèi fifty-sixth year F8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1979 or 2039
约分 yuē fēn reduced fraction (e.g. one half for three sixths) / to reduce a fraction by canceling common factors in the numerator and denominator
慧能 Huì néng Huineng (638-713), the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism
齐民要术 mín Yào shù Essential skill to benefit the people, sixth century encyclopedia of agricultural knowledge by Jia Sixie 賈思勰|贾思勰[Jia3 Si1 xie2]
季夏 xià final month of summer (i.e. sixth month of lunar calendar)
姜文 Jiāng Wén Jiang Wen (1963-), sixth generation Chinese movie director
李旦 Dàn Li Dan, personal name of sixth Tang emperor Ruizong 唐睿宗[Tang2 Rui4 zong1] (662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712
英宗 Yīng zōng Yingzong, temple name of sixth and eighth Ming emperor Zhengtong 正統|正统[Zheng4 tong3]
朱祁镇 Zhū zhèn Zhu Qizhen, personal name of sixth and eighth Ming emperor Zhengtong 正統|正统[Zheng4 tong3], afterwards Tianshun Emperor 天順|天顺[Tian1 shun4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449 and 1457-1464
唐睿宗 Táng Ruì zōng Emperor Ruizong of Tang, reign name of sixth Tang emperor Li Dan 李旦[Li3 Dan4] (662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712
奕䜣 xīn Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing
宋书 Sòng shū History of Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋[Nan2 chao2 Song4] or Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], sixth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Shen Yue 沈約|沈约[Shen3 Yue1] in 488 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 100 scrolls / (not to be confused with 宋史[Song4 shi3])
六分之一 liù fēn zhī one sixth

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