English to Chinese Dictionary


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le (completed action marker) / (modal particle indicating change of state, situation now) / (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)
(specifier) that; the; those (colloquial pr. [nei4]) / (pronoun) that (referring to persons, things or situations) / then (in that case)
条件 tiáo jiàn condition; circumstance; term; factor / requirement; prerequisite; qualification / situation; state; condition / CL:個|个[ge4]
状况 zhuàng kuàng condition; state; situation / CL:個|个[ge4]
a step / a pace / walk / march / stages in a process / situation
情况 qíng kuàng circumstances; state of affairs; situation / CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]
整体 zhěng whole entity / entire body / synthesis / as a whole (situation, construction, team etc) / global / macrocosm / integral / holistic / whole
困难 kùn nan difficult / challenging / straitened circumstances / difficult situation
场合 chǎng situation / occasion / context / setting / location / venue
形势 xíng shì circumstances / situation / terrain / CL:個|个[ge4]
office / situation / classifier for games: match, set, round etc
台阶 tái jiē steps / flight of steps / step (over obstacle) / fig. way out of an embarrassing situation / bench (geology)
情景 qíng jǐng scene; spectacle / circumstances; situation
手里 shǒu in hand / (a situation is) in sb's hands
现状 xiàn zhuàng current situation
情形 qíng xing circumstances / situation / CL:個|个[ge4]
场面 chǎng miàn scene / spectacle / occasion / situation
局面 miàn aspect / phase / situation
时事 shí shì current trends; the present situation; how things are going
场景 chǎng jǐng scene; scenario; situation; setting
jǐng (bound form) scenery / circumstance / situation / scene (of a play) / (literary) sunlight
qíng (bound form) feelings; emotion; sentiment; passion / (bound form) situation; condition
随机 suí according to the situation / pragmatic / random
概况 gài kuàng general situation / summary
全局 quán overall situation

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