English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: setting sittang zitting skating sting seating shiting sitong ?

dōng east / host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest) / landlord
对面 duì miàn (sitting) opposite / across (the street) / directly in front / to be face to face
在朝 zài cháo sitting (currently serving, e.g. board members)
坐姿 zuò sitting posture
打枪 qiāng to fire a gun / to substitute for sb in sitting an examination
临场 lín chǎng to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc) / firsthand (experience) / impromptu (remarks etc)
yán bamboo mat for sitting
筵席 yán banquet / mat for sitting
坐立不安 zuò ān lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom) / restless / fidgety
如坐针毡 zuò zhēn zhān lit. as if sitting on pins and needles (idiom) / fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation
长跪 cháng guì to kneel as in prayer (without sitting back on the heels)
坐吃山空 zuò chī shān kōng lit. just sitting and eating, one can deplete even a mountain of wealth (idiom) / fig. to spend one's money without generating any income
挪开 nuó kāi to move (sth) aside / to step aside / to move over (when sitting on a bench) / to shift (one's gaze)
枪替 qiāng to substitute for sb in sitting an examination
砚席 yàn ink slab and sitting mat / place where one studies and teaches
起居室 shì living room / sitting room
北京瘫 Běi jīng tān "Beijing slouch", sitting posture said to be adopted esp. by Beijingers, popularized by 葛優|葛优[Ge3 You1]
半跏坐 bàn jiā zuò sitting with one leg crossed (usu. of Bodhisattva)
坐厕 zuò sitting toilet (contrasted with 蹲廁|蹲厕[dun1 ce4] squat toilet)
待毙 dài to await death / to be a sitting duck
架二郎腿 jià èr láng tuǐ to stick one leg over the other (when sitting)
翘二郎腿 qiào èr láng tuǐ to stick one leg over the other (when sitting)

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