English to Chinese Dictionary


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地点 diǎn place / site / location / venue / CL:個|个[ge4]
现场 xiàn chǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc) / (on) the spot / (at) the site
yuán land used for growing plants / site used for public recreation / abbr. for a place ending in 園|园, such as a botanical garden 植物園|植物园, kindergarten 幼兒園|幼儿园 etc
场地 chǎng space / site / place / sports pitch
工地 gōng construction site
实地 shí on-site
古迹 places of historic interest / historical sites / CL:個|个[ge4]
站点 zhàn diǎn a place set up to serve a specific function (train station, bus stop, toll plaza, bike rental station, meteorological station etc) / (Internet) site (website, FTP site etc)
园区 yuán site developed for a group of related enterprises; (industrial or technology) park
丽水 shuǐ Lishui prefecture-level city in Zhejiang / Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Korea, the site of World Expo 2012
zhǐ (bound form) site; location
矿区 kuàng mining site / mining area
河姆渡 Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC
沙盘 shā pán sand table (military) / 3D terrain (or site) model (for real estate marketing, geography class etc) / sand tray (on which to write characters)
乾陵 Qián líng Qianling at Xianyang 咸陽市|咸阳市 in Shaanxi, burial site of third Tang emperor 高宗 and empress Wuzetian 武則天|武则天
旧址 jiù zhǐ former site; old location
导览 dǎo lǎn (visitor, tour, audio etc) guide / guided tour / (site) navigator / to guide
名胜古迹 míng shèng historical sites and scenic spots
周口店 Zhōu kǒu diàn Zhoukoudian prehistoric site in Fangshan district 房山區|房山区[Fang2 shan1 qu1], Beijing
选址 xuǎn zhǐ to select a suitable site / site / location
南苑 Nán yuàn Nanyuan or "Southern Park", an imperial hunting domain during the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, now the site of Nanhaizi Park in the south of Beijing
巡礼 xún to make a pilgrimage (to visit a holy site) / to go on a sightseeing tour
济州 zhōu Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Heritage site
厂址 chǎng zhǐ factory site / location
半坡 Bàn Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安

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