English to Chinese Dictionary


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zuì guilt / crime / fault / blame / sin
罪恶 zuì è crime / evil / sin
crime / sin
niè son born of a concubine / disaster / sin / evil
罪孽 zuì niè sin / crime / wrongdoing
作孽 zuò niè to sin
造孽 zào niè to do evil / to commit sins
罪过 zuì guo sin / offense
原罪 yuán zuì original sin
拜忏 bài chàn to hold a daytime Buddhist mass; (of a monk or nun) to read scripture to atone for sb's sins
chàn (bound form) to feel remorse / (bound form) scripture read to atone for sb's sins (from Sanskrit "ksama")
黄大仙 huáng xiān Wong Tai Sin district of Kowloon, Hong Kong
冤孽 yuān niè sin (in Buddhism) / enmity leading to sin
冤业 yuān sin (in Buddhism) / enmity leading to sin / also written 冤孽
过犯 guò fàn previous sins
本罪 běn zuì actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin 原罪)
星洲日报 Xīng zhōu bào Sin Chew Daily, Malaysian newspaper
罪愆 zuì qiān sin / offense
自罪 zuì actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin 原罪) / conscious sin
苦行赎罪 xíng shú zuì penance (to atone for a sin)

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