English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sing song since sank sins skink xing sunk ?

chén to submerge / to immerse / to sink / to keep down / to lower / to drop / deep / profound / heavy
luò to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement
陷入 xiàn to sink into / to get caught up in / to land in (a predicament)
xiàn pitfall / trap / to get stuck / to sink / to cave in / to frame (false charge) / to capture (a city in battle) / to fall (to the enemy) / defect
水槽 shuǐ cáo sink
duò to fall; to sink / (fig.) to degenerate
跪倒 guì dǎo to kneel down / to sink to one's knees / to grovel
下沉 xià chén to sink down
kōu to sink in (of eyes)
沉浮 chén lit. sinking and floating / to bob up and down on water / ebb and flow / fig. rise and fall / ups and downs of fortune / vicissitudes
浮沉 chén ups and downs (of life etc) / to drift along / to sink and emerge
沦为 lún wéi to sink down to / to be reduced to (sth inferior)
塌陷 xiàn to subside / to sink / to cave in
沉没 chén to sink
湮灭 yān miè to sink into oblivion; to bury in obscurity
lún to sink (into ruin, oblivion) / to be reduced to
落水 luò shuǐ to fall into water / to sink / overboard / fig. to degenerate / to sink (into depravity) / to go to the dogs
破釜沉舟 chén zhōu lit. to break the cauldrons and sink the boats (idiom); fig. to cut off one's means of retreat / to burn one's boats
水池 shuǐ chí pond / pool / sink / washbasin
沉陷 chén xiàn to sink; to cave in; (of a building etc) to subside / (fig.) to get lost (in contemplation, daydreams etc)
落脚 luò jiǎo to stay for a time / to stop over / to lodge / to sink down (into soft ground) / leftovers
yān (literary) to sink into oblivion / (literary) to silt up / Taiwan pr. [yin1]
沉沦 chén lún to sink into (vice, depravity etc) / to pass into oblivion / downfall; passing
沉船 chén chuán shipwreck / sunken boat / sinking ship
翻沉 fān chén to capsize and sink

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