English to Chinese Dictionary


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歌声 shēng singing voice / fig. original voice of a poet
歌星 xīng singing star / famous singer
歌舞 singing and dancing
独唱 chàng (in singing) solo / to solo
to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence / to join in the singing / to chime in with others
(onom.) sound of singing, cheering etc / (phonetic) / (dialect) to chat
说唱 shuō chàng speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2] and 相聲|相声[xiang4 sheng5] / (music) rapping
坠子 zhuì zi weight / pendant / same as 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2] / ballad singing accompanied by a 墜胡|坠胡[zhui4 hu2]
曲子 zi poem for singing / tune / music / CL:支[zhi1]
字正腔圆 zhèng qiāng yuán to enunciate beautifully (in speaking or singing) (idiom)
假唱 jiǎ chàng to lip-sync (singing)
唱法 chàng singing style / singing method
唱功 chàng gōng singing skill
歌坛 tán singing stage / music business (esp. pop music)
咏春 yǒng chūn Wing Chun / same as 詠春拳|咏春拳[yong3 chun1 quan2] / Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)
歌厅 tīng karaoke hall / singing hall (venue for concerts of popular songs)
双簧 shuāng huáng a form of theatrical double act in which one performer speaks or sings while the other, in front, pretends to be doing the speaking or singing / double reed (as in an oboe or bassoon)
重头戏 zhòng tóu opera (or role) involving much singing and action / (fig.) highlight / main feature / major activity
载歌载舞 zài zài singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations
应援 yìng yuán (originally) to provide assistance / (more recently) to show one's support (for a singing idol etc)
歌喉 hóu singing voice
高歌猛进 gāo měng jìn to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
珠圆玉润 zhū yuán rùn lit. as round as pearls and as smooth as jade (idiom) / fig. elegant and polished (of singing or writing)
绕梁三日 rào liáng sān reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
余音绕梁 yīn rào liáng reverberates around the rafters (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)

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