English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: since sing song sense sings singh xinge sink ?

歌手 shǒu singer
歌迷 fan of a singer
歌星 xīng singing star / famous singer
燕赵 Yān Zhào Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring States in Hebei and Shanxi / beautiful women / women dancers and singers
歌姬 female singer
游走 yóu zǒu to wander about / to roam / to move back and forth between (government and academia, two or more countries etc) / to flow through (a circuit, a network, the body) / to skirt (the border of legality) / (of a singer's voice) to move within its range / (of a stock price) to fluctuate within (a range)
liǎo to singe
戏子 zi (derog.) opera singer / actor
当红 dāng hóng currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc)
歌女 female singer (archaic)
麦当娜 Mài dāng Madonna (1958-), US pop singer
布兰妮·斯皮尔斯 lán · ěr Britney Spears (1981-), US pop singer
主唱 zhǔ chàng to sing the lead vocals / lead singer
碧昂丝 áng Beyoncé (1981-), American pop singer
领唱 lǐng chàng to lead a chorus / choirmaster / leading singer
歌唱家 chàng jiā singer
惠特妮·休斯顿 Huì · Xiū dùn Whitney Houston (1963-2012), American singer and actress
to extinguish a burning object / to singe sth with a smoldering object (e.g. burn a hole in one's trousers with a cigarette) / to stir-fry / to pour a mixture of hot oil and flavorings over food
曲高和寡 gāo guǎ difficult songs find few singers (idiom) / highbrow
声情并茂 shēng qíng bìng mào (of a singer etc) excellent in voice and expression (idiom)
倒仓 dǎo cāng to transfer grain from a store (e.g. to sun it) / voice breaking (of male opera singer in puberty)
倒嗓 dǎo sǎng (of a singer) to lose one's voice / (male opera singer's) voice change (at puberty)
张韶涵 Zhāng Sháo hán Angela Chang (1982-), Taiwanese pop singer and actress
鸟叔 Niǎo shū nickname of Korean singer PSY
罗文 Luó wén Roman Tam (1949-), Canto-pop singer

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