English to Chinese Dictionary


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hào ordinal number / day of a month / mark / sign / business establishment / size / ship suffix / horn (wind instrument) / bugle call / assumed name / to take a pulse / classifier used to indicate number of people
to record / to note / to memorize / to remember / mark / sign / classifier for blows, kicks, shots
líng zero / nought / zero sign / fractional / fragmentary / odd (of numbers) / (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one) / fraction / (in mathematics) remainder (after division) / extra / to wither and fall / to wither
报名 bào míng to sign up / to enter one's name / to apply / to register / to enroll / to enlist
牌子 pái zi sign / trademark / brand
标志 biāo zhì sign; mark; symbol; logo / to symbolize; to indicate; to mark
符号 hào symbol; mark; sign
签名 qiān míng to sign (one's name with a pen etc) / to autograph / signature
指标 zhǐ biāo (production) target; quota / index; indicator / sign; signpost / (computing) pointer
签约 qiān yuē to sign a contract or agreement
签订 qiān dìng to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)
签字 qiān to sign (one's name) / signature
qiān to sign one's name / to write brief comments on a document / inscribed bamboo stick (variant of 籤|签[qian1]) / visa
biāo mark / sign / label / to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc / to bear (a brand name, registration number etc) / prize / award / bid / target / quota / (old) the topmost branches of a tree / visible symptom / classifier for military units
手势 shǒu shì gesture; sign; signal
签署 qiān shǔ to sign (an agreement)
星座 xīng zuò constellation / astrological sign
to mortgage / to pawn / to detain in custody / to escort and protect / (literary) to sign
zhēng to invite / to recruit / to levy (taxes) / to draft (troops) / phenomenon / symptom / characteristic sign (used as proof) / evidence
招牌 zhāo pai signboard / shop sign / reputation of a business
预兆 zhào omen / sign (of sth yet to occur) / prior indication / to foreshadow
兆头 zhào tou omen / portent / sign
迹象 xiàng sign; indication; mark; indicator
苗头 miáo tou first signs / development (of a situation)
zāi to plant; to grow / to insert; to erect (e.g. a bus stop sign) / to impose sth on sb / to stumble; to fall down

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