English to Chinese Dictionary


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看见 kàn jiàn to see / to catch sight of
聪明 cōng ming intelligent; clever; bright / acute (of sight and hearing)
风光 fēng guāng scene / view / sight / landscape / to be well-regarded / to be well-off / grand (dialect) / impressive (dialect)
目光 guāng gaze; (fig.) attention / expression in one's eyes; look / (lit. and fig.) sight; vision
景象 jǐng xiàng scene / sight (to behold)
jiān pointed; tapering; sharp / (of a sound) shrill; piercing / (of one's hearing, sight etc) sharp; acute; keen / to make (one's voice) shrill / sharp point; tip / the best of sth; the cream of the crop
壮观 zhuàng guān spectacular / magnificent sight
视觉 shì jué sight / vision / visual
视线 shì xiàn line of sight
一晃 huǎng (of passing time) in an instant / (of a sight) in a flash
触目惊心 chù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking / horrible to see / a ghastly sight
见钱眼开 jiàn qián yǎn kāi to open one's eyes wide at the sight of profit (idiom); thinking of nothing but personal gain / money-grubbing
pàn to catch sight of in a doorway (old)
望而却步 wàng ér què lit. to shrink back at the sight of (sth daunting) (idiom) / fig. to be deterred
雪藏 xuě cáng to keep sth in cold storage / (fig.) to suspend a performer or sports player (as punishment) / to keep sb or sth out of sight until the right moment (e.g. a key player on a sports team)
一见倾心 jiàn qīng xīn love at first sight
重光 chóng guāng to recover one's sight / (fig.) to recover (lost territories)
标尺 biāo chǐ surveyor's rod / staff / staff gauge / rear sight
春光 chūn guāng scenes of springtime / the radiance of spring / (fig.) a sight of sth sexy or erotic / an indication of a love affair
在即 zài near at hand / imminent / within sight
奇观 guān spectacle; impressive sight
官能 guān néng function / capability / sense (i.e. the five senses of sight 視|视, hearing 聽|听, smell 嗅, taste 味 and touch 觸|触) / faculty (i.e. specific ability)
矫治 jiǎo zhì to correct (e.g. sight or hearing) / to rectify / to cure
风物 fēng scenery / sights
一见钟情 jiàn zhōng qíng to fall in love at first sight (idiom)

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