English to Chinese Dictionary


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病人 bìng rén sick person / patient / invalid / CL:個|个[ge4]
suān sour / tart / sick at heart / grieved / sore / aching / pedantic / impractical / to make sarcastic remarks about sb / an acid
恶心 ě xīn nausea / to feel sick / disgust / nauseating / to embarrass (deliberately)
发病 bìng (of an illness) to occur / (of a person) to get sick; to fall ill / onset (of a medical condition)
厌烦 yàn fán bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth
病假 bìng jià sick leave
带病 dài bìng to be suffering from an illness (often implying "in spite of being sick") / to carry the causative agent of an infectious disease
病弱 bìng ruò sick and weak / sickly / invalid
病号 bìng hào sick personnel / person on the sick list / patient
忧心忡忡 yōu xīn chōng chōng deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom)
生老病死 shēng lǎo bìng lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die (idiom) / fig. the fate of humankind (i.e. mortality)
huī sick / with no ambition
探病 tàn bìng to visit a sick person or patient
腻歪 wai (of a couple) to be sweet to each other; lovey-dovey / tired of; fed up with; sick of (synonym of 膩味|腻味[ni4wei5])
作呕 zuò ǒu to feel sick / to feel nauseous / to feel disgusted
病员 bìng yuán sick personnel / person on the sick list / patient
病残 bìng cán sick or disabled / invalid / disability
sick / sickness / Kang Xi radical 104 / also pr. [chuang2]
病夫 bìng sick man
cuì care-worn / distressed / tired / overworked / sick / weary
病休 bìng xiū to be on sick leave
无病呻吟 bìng shēn yín (idiom) to moan and groan despite not being sick; to feign illness; to complain without cause; (of writing) to indulge in confected sentimentality
腻味 wei tired of; fed up with; sick of / (of a person) to annoy; to be tiresome
腻烦 fan bored / to be fed up with / sick and tired of sth / Taiwan pr. [ni4 fan2]
急赤白脸 chì bái liǎn to worry oneself sick / to fret

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