English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: so xi shi su sui zi six ci ?

four / 4
to die / impassable / uncrossable / inflexible / rigid / extremely / damned
Buddhist temple / mosque / government office (old)
silk / thread-like thing; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips / classifier: a trace (of smoke etc), a tiny bit etc
to tear
Slovakia / Slovak / abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]
(phonetic) / this
surname Si
to take charge of / to manage / department (under a ministry)
to feed (a person or animal)
to wrap / kerchief / handkerchief / headscarf / pascal (SI unit)
to seem / to appear / to resemble / similar / -like / pseudo- / (more) than
(literary) to wait for
to think / to consider
hiss / neigh / Ss! (sound of air sucked between the teeth, indicating hesitation or thinking over)
简谱 jiǎn music notation in which the notes Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si are represented by numerals 1 to 7
牛顿 niú dùn newton (SI unit of force)
four (banker's anti-fraud numeral) / unrestrained / wanton / (literary) shop
泗水 Shuǐ Si River in Shandong
river in Shandong
nasal mucus
strontium (chemistry)
felicity / blessing
old variant of 似[si4]
"silk" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 120), occurring in 紅|红[hong2], 綠|绿[lu:4], 累[lei4] etc / also pr. [mi4]

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