English to Chinese Dictionary


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guān mountain pass / to close; to shut; to turn off / to confine; to lock (sb) up; to shut (sb in a room, a bird in a cage etc) / to concern; to involve
关闭 guān to close; to shut (a window etc) / (of a shop, school etc) to shut down
to close / to stop up / to shut / to obstruct
mēn stuffy / shut indoors / to smother / to cover tightly
关掉 guān diào to switch off; to shut off
封杀 fēng shā to shut out; to block; to smother
jiōng (literary) to shut or bolt a door / door
停机 tíng (of a machine) to stop / to shut down / to park a plane / to finish shooting (a TV program etc) / to suspend a phone line / (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit
关停 guān tíng (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down
guāng (onom.) bang / door banging shut
停工 tíng gōng to stop work / to shut down / to stop production
住嘴 zhù zuǐ to hold one's tongue / Shut up!
住口 zhù kǒu shut up / shut your mouth / stop talking
开服 kāi to start the servers (for an online game, typically after the system has been shut down for maintenance, upgrade etc)
闭门造车 mén zào chē lit. to shut oneself away and build a cart (idiom) / fig. to work on a project in isolation, without caring for outside realities
jìn to stutter / to shut one's mouth / Taiwan pr. [yin2]
闭门思过 mén guò shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes
虚掩 yǎn to partially obscure / (of a door, gate or window) slightly open; ajar; not fully shut; unlocked / (of a jacket or shirt) unbuttoned
闭嘴 zuǐ Shut up! / same as 閉上嘴巴|闭上嘴巴
闭目塞听 tīng to shut one's eyes and stop one's ears / out of touch with reality / to bury one's head in the sand
关门打狗 guān mén gǒu lit. shut the door and beat the dog (idiom) / fig. seal off the enemy's avenue of retreat, then strike hard
闭上 shang to close / to shut up
闭起 to shut
靠腰 kào yāo (lit.) to cry from hunger (from Taiwanese 哭枵, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-iau]) / (Tw) (slang) to whine; shut the hell up!; fuck!; damn!
关断 guān duàn to shut off

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