English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shui shuai shiqi shuji shi shaqi shuzi shuxi ?

暑期 shǔ summer vacation time
竖起 shù to erect (a tent etc) / to prick up (one's ears) / to raise (one's eyebrows) / to stick up (one's thumb) / to turn up (one's collar) / (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)
暑气 shǔ (summer) heat
舒淇 Shū Shu Qi (1976-), Taiwanese actress
舒气 shū to heave a sigh of relief / to get one's breath back / to vent one's spleen
树栖 shù arboreal / tree-dwelling
庶妻 shù concubine

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