English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shu shao suo shui chuo show so shi ?

shuō to speak; to talk; to say / to explain; to comment / to scold; to tell off / (bound form) theory; doctrine
shuō variant of 說|说[shuo1]
shuò (literary) frequently; repeatedly
shuò beginning / first day of lunar month / north
shuò bright / luminous
shuò large / big
shuò daub / thrust
shuò bright / to melt / to fuse
shuò pod / capsule
shuò long lance
shuò to hit sb with a pole / (archaic) pole held by a dancer
shuò to suck / to drink
shuò lance
傅说 Shuō Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding
王朔 Wáng Shuò Wang Shuo (1958-), Chinese writer, director and actor
Shuò surname Suo
shuò (literary) matchmaker (on the bride's side)

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