English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shibian shuaibian shubian suibian shiban suibin shipian shoubian ?

水边 shuǐ biān edge of the water / waterside / shore (of sea, lake or river)
阿扁 Ā biǎn A-bian, nickname of Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3]
倒扁 Dǎo biǎn Taiwan political movement aimed at forcing the resignation of President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3] in 2006 over corruption allegations
施明德 Shī Míng Shih Ming-teh (1941-), Taiwanese politician, imprisoned 1962-1977 and 1980-1990 under the Guomindang, subsequently a leader of DPP 民進黨|民进党, in 2006 led protests against Chen Shui-Bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3]
陈水扁 Chén Shuǐ biǎn Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP 民進黨|民进党 politician, president of the Republic of China 2000-2008

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