English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shui chuai shuji shuqi shi shua shuzi shai ?

shuài (bound form) commander-in-chief / (bound form) to lead; to command / handsome; graceful; dashing; elegant / (coll.) cool!; sweet! / (Chinese chess) general (on the red side, equivalent to a king in Western chess)
shuāi to throw down / to fall / to drop and break
shuài to lead / to command / rash / hasty / frank / straightforward / generally / usually
shuǎi to throw / to fling / to swing / to leave behind / to throw off / to dump (sb)
Shuài surname Shuai
shuāi (bound form) to decay; to decline; to wane
shuài used in 蟋蟀[xi1 shuai4]
shuài old variant of 率[shuai4]

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