English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: sowing showings snowing swing shining shaoxing shocking sewing ?

a modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent
眼神 yǎn shén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes / meaningful glance / wink / eyesight (dialect)
to scare / to intimidate / to threaten / (interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut / (interjection showing astonishment)
首发 shǒu first issue / first public showing
首演 shǒu yǎn maiden stage role / first performance / first public showing
来着 lái zhe auxiliary showing sth happened in the past
八仙过海,各显神通 xiān guò hǎi , xiǎn shén tōng lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom) / fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities
场次 chǎng the number of showings of a movie, play etc / screening; performance
泰然自若 tài rán ruò cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves / perfectly composed
死而不僵 ér jiāng dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis / to die hard (idiom) / to die yet not be vanquished (idiom)
开映 kāi yìng to start showing a movie
爱现 ài xiàn (coll.) to enjoy showing off
袒衣 tǎn to dress in a hurry with part of the body showing
热脸贴冷屁股 liǎn tiē lěng gu to show warm feelings but meet with cold rebuke (idiom) / to be snubbed despite showing good intentions
讨好卖乖 tǎo hǎo mài guāi to curry favor by showing obeisance (idiom)
勃然变色 rán biàn to suddenly change color showing displeasure, bewilderment etc
有潜力 yǒu qián promising / showing potential
满脸风尘 mǎn liǎn fēng chén lit. with a face full of dust / showing the hardships of travel (idiom)
置之不问 zhì zhī wèn to pass by without showing interest (idiom)
观后镜 guān hòu jìng mirror showing a view to one's rear (including rearview mirror, side-view mirror, baby view mirror etc)
关公面前耍大刀 Guān gōng miàn qián shuǎ dāo lit. to wield the broadsword in the presence of Lord Guan (idiom) / fig. to make a fool of oneself by showing off in front of an expert
头角峥嵘 tóu jiǎo zhēng róng promise of brilliant young person (idiom); showing extraordinary gifts
饶舌调唇 ráo shé tiáo chún blabbing and showing off (idiom); loud-mouthed trouble maker

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