English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chewiness showings ?

漂浮 piāo to float / to hover / to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life) / to rove / showy / superficial
浮华 huá ostentatious / pretentious / showy
骚包 sāo bāo (slang) alluring / showy / flashy and enticing person / painted Jezebel
淫靡 yín profligate / extravagantly showy / (of music) lascivious / decadent
花拳 huā quán showy boxing of no practical use / see 花拳繡腿|花拳绣腿
排面 pái miàn a row of things facing oneself (esp. a row of products on a shelf facing customers in a store) / (neologism c. 2019) (coll.) ostentation; showiness; impressiveness
有排面 yǒu pái miàn (neologism) (coll.) ostentatious; showy; impressive

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