English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shoutao shoutai shoutiao ?

chì to scold / shout at / to hoot at
qiàng to irritate the nose / to choke (of smoke, smell etc) / pungent / (coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb / to scold / to speak out against sb
喝道 dào to shout (i.e. to say in a loud voice) (usually followed by the words shouted) / (old) (of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way
喝止 zhǐ to shout at sb to stop
棒喝 bàng practice in which a novice monk is shouted at or hit with a stick with the purpose of bringing about instant awakening (Buddhism) / to rebuke sternly
叱喝 chì to shout at / to berate
菜市仔名 cài shì míng (Tw) popular given name (one that will turn many heads if you shout it at a marketplace) (from Taiwanese 菜市仔名, Tai-lo pr. [tshài-tshī-á-miâ], where 菜市仔 means "marketplace")
菜市场名 cài shì chǎng míng (Tw) popular given name (one that will turn many heads if you shout it at a marketplace)

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