English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: show shu chou shoe sou so shi chu ?

shǒu hand / (formal) to hold / person engaged in certain types of work / person skilled in certain types of work / personal(ly) / convenient / classifier for skill / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
shōu to receive / to accept / to collect / to put away / to restrain / to stop / in care of (used on address line after name)
shòu to receive / to accept / to suffer / subjected to / to bear / to stand / pleasant / (passive marker) / (LGBT) bottom
shǒu head / chief / first (occasion, thing etc) / classifier for poems, songs etc
shǒu to guard / to defend / to keep watch / to abide by the law / to observe (rules or ritual) / nearby / adjoining
shòu thin / to lose weight / (of clothing) tight / (of meat) lean / (of land) unproductive
shòu beast / animal / beastly / bestial
shòu (bound form) to confer; to give / (bound form) to teach; to instruct / (literary) to appoint
shòu to sell / to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)
寿 Shòu surname Shou
寿 shòu long life / old age / age / life / birthday / funerary
shǒu "hand" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 64), occurring in 提, 把, 打 etc
shòu cord on a seal
shǒu bow of a ship
shòu to hunt / to go hunting (as winter sport in former times) / hunting dog / imperial tour
shǒu variant of 手[shou3] in 扒手[pa2 shou3]
三国志 Sān guó zhì History of the Three Kingdoms, fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Chen Shou 陳壽|陈寿[Chen2 Shou4] in 289 during Jin Dynasty 晉朝|晋朝[Jin4 chao2], 65 scrolls
shòu old variant of 壽|寿[shou4]
shòu Japanese variant of 瘦[shou4]
shōu variant of 收[shou1]
shòu Japanese variant of 獸|兽
陈寿 Chén Shòu Chen Shou (233-297), Western Jin dynasty 西晉|西晋[Xi1 Jin4] historian, author of History of the Three Kingdoms 三國志|三国志[San1 guo2 zhi4]
寿县 Shòu Xiàn Shou County or Shouxian, a county in Huainan 淮南[Huai2nan2], Anhui
魏收 Wèi Shōu Wei Shou (506-572), writer and historian of Northern dynasty Qi 北齊|北齐[Bei3 Qi2], compiler of History of Wei of the Northern dynasties 魏書|魏书[Wei4 shu1]
魏书 Wèi shū History of Wei of the Northern Dynasties, tenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Wei Shou 魏收[Wei4 Shou1] in 554 during Northern Qi Dynasty 北齊|北齐[Bei3 Qi2], 114 scrolls

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