English to Chinese Dictionary


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to record / to note / to memorize / to remember / mark / sign / classifier for blows, kicks, shots
镜头 jìng tóu camera lens / camera shot (in a movie etc) / scene
qiāng gun / firearm / rifle / spear / thing with shape or function similar to a gun / CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1] / to substitute for another person in a test / to knock / classifier for rifle shots
巨头 tóu tycoon / magnate / big player (including company, country, school etc) / big shot
火锅 huǒ guō hotpot / (basketball) a blocked shot; a block
大佬 lǎo big shot (leading some field or group) / godfather
大亨 hēng big shot / top gun / superstar / VIP
远景 yuǎn jǐng scenery in the distance / long-term prospects / (photography) long shot
铅球 qiān qiú shot put (athletics event)
当家 dāng jiā to manage the household / to be the one in charge of the family / to call the shots / to be in charge
封盖 fēng gài cap / seal / cover / to cover / blocked shot (basketball)
中弹 zhòng dàn to get hit by a bullet; to get shot
近景 jìn jǐng scene in the foreground; nearby scenery / (photography) a close shot / the present situation; how things stand
豪门 háo mén rich and powerful (families) / aristocratic / big shots
谍照 dié zhào spy shot; leaked photo of a yet-to-be-released product
罚球 qiú penalty shot / penalty kick (in sports)
显贵 xiǎn guì dignitary / distinguished person / royalty / nobleman / big shot
大腕 wàn (coll.) big shot; big name; bigwig; heavyweight
大鳄 è lit. big crocodile / fig. major figure / big shot / top boss (esp. criminal)
好球 hǎo qiú (ball sports) good shot! / nice hit! / well played!
勾手 gōu shǒu to collude with / to collaborate / (basketball) hook shot
百发百中 bǎi bǎi zhòng lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits / to carry out a task with great precision / to shoot with unfailing accuracy / be a crack shot (idiom)
鸣枪 míng qiāng to fire warning shots
散弹 sǎn dàn shot (for a shotgun); canister shot
劲射 jìng shè power shot (e.g. in soccer)

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