English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shigun shaoguan shun shiguan shihun shizun shouna shouxun ?

幕府 (orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer / administration of a military government / (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun
室町 Shì tǐng Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1338-1573) under the Ashikaga shoguns
室町幕府 Shì tǐng Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1338-1573) under the Ashikaga shoguns
足利义政 zhèng ASHIKAGA Yoshimasa (1435-1490), eighth Ashikaga shōgun, reigned 1449-1473
织田信长 Zhī tián Xìn cháng ODA Nobunaga (1534-1582), Japanese shogun (warlord), played an important role in unifying Japan
足利义满 mǎn ASHIKAGA Yoshimitsu (1358-1408), third Ashikaga shogun, reigned 1368-1394
足利义稙 zhí Ashikaga Yoshitane (1466-1523), Japanese Muromachi shogun 1490-93

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