English to Chinese Dictionary


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骇人听闻 hài rén tīng wén shocking / horrifying / atrocious / terrible
震撼 zhèn hàn to shake / to shock / to stun / shocking / stunning / shock
触目惊心 chù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking / horrible to see / a ghastly sight
不像话 xiàng huà unreasonable / shocking / outrageous
霹雳 thunderclap / (slang) awesome; shocking; terrifying
撒野 to display shockingly bad behavior / to behave atrociously
惊心 jīng xīn staggering / shocking / frightened
惊世骇俗 jīng shì hài universally shocking / to offend the whole of society
怵目惊心 chù jīng xīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking / horrible to see / a ghastly sight / also written 觸目驚心|触目惊心
骇人 hài rén terrifying / shocking / dreadful
动魄 dòng shocking; shattering
不象话 xiàng huà unreasonable / shocking; outrageous
爆炸性 bào zhà xìng explosive / fig. shocking
雷人 léi rén (Internet slang) shocking / appalling / terrifying / terrific
震撼性 zhèn hàn xìng shocking / stunning / sensational

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