English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shishi shizi shizhu shuzhi shizhe shuizhi shazhi shezhi ?

实质 shí zhì substance / essence
市值 shì zhí market capitalization; market value
矢志 shǐ zhì to take an oath to do sth / to pledge / to vow
试纸 shì zhǐ (chemistry, medicine) test strip
食指 shí zhǐ index finger / (literary) mouths to feed
市制 shì zhì Chinese units of measurement
失职 shī zhí to neglect one's duty; to be guilty of dereliction of duty
试制 shì zhì to try out a new product (or manufacturing process) / prototype / trial product
适值 shì zhí just at that time / as it happens / by good luck, just then
世职 shì zhí hereditary office
实值 shí zhí real-valued (math.) / taking real numbers as values (of a function)
示指 shì zhǐ index finger
石质 shí zhì stony
失智 shī zhì to lose one's cognitive function; to suffer from dementia
实职 shí zhí active participation
施治 shī zhì to apply a treatment; to undertake a therapy

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