English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shishen shizhan shichen shizhun sizhen shiwen shimen shihun ?

市镇 shì zhèn small town
失真 shī zhēn to lack fidelity / (signal) distortion
时针 shí zhēn hand of a clock / hour hand
湿疹 shī zhěn eczema
李时珍 Shí zhēn Li Shizhen (1518-1593), Ming botanist and pharmacologist, author of Compendium of Medical Herbs 本草綱目|本草纲目[Ben3 cao3 Gang1 mu4]
失枕 shī zhěn a crick in the neck / stiff neck
本草纲目 Běn cǎo Gāng Compendium of Medical Herbs 1596, compiled by Li Shizhen 李時珍|李时珍[Li3 Shi2 zhen1]
王士禛 Wáng Shì zhēn Wang Shizhen (1634-1711), early Qing poet

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