English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shiji shizi shiqi shi shiye shiyu shici shixi ?

示意 shì to hint / to indicate (an idea to sb)
适宜 shì suitable / appropriate
事宜 shì matters / arrangements
十一 Shí PRC National Day (October 1st)
十一 shí eleven / 11
释义 shì the meaning of sth / an explanation of the meaning of words or phrases / definition / an interpretation (of doctrine) / religious doctrine
使役 shǐ to use (an animal or servant) / working (animal) / (beast) of burden / causative form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc)
释疑 shì to dispel doubts / to clear up difficulties
诗意 shī poetry / poetic quality or flavor
失忆 shī to lose one's memory
十亿 shí one billion / giga-
拾遗 shí to pocket a lost article / (fig.) to correct others' errors / to remedy omissions (in a text etc)
试衣 shì to try on (clothes) / fitting
失意 shī disappointed; frustrated
时宜 shí contemporary expectations
适意 shì agreeable
实意 shí sincere / real meaning
失宜 shī inappropriate / improper
视艺 shì visual arts
是以 shì therefore / thus / so
失仪 shī discourteous / failure of etiquette
屎意 shǐ an urge to defecate
施以 shī to inflict (punishment) / to provide (training etc) / to apply (pressure etc)
湿衣 shī wetsuit

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