English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: show shiqu shizu shi shigu shiju shisu shiyu ?

食物 shí food / CL:種|种[zhong3]
事物 shì thing; object / CL:個|个[ge4]
失误 shī lapse / mistake / to make a mistake / fault / service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)
实物 shí material object / concrete object / original object / in kind / object for practical use / definite thing / reality / matter (physics)
事务 shì (political, economic etc) affairs / work / transaction (as in a computer database)
十五 shí fifteen / 15
实务 shí practice (customary action, as opposed to theory) / practical
饰物 shì decorations / jewelry
世务 shì worldly affairs
拾物 shí picked up items (i.e. lost property)

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