English to Chinese Dictionary


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liàng bright; light / to shine; to flash / loud and clear / to show (one's passport etc); to make public (one's views etc)
zhào according to / in accordance with / to shine / to illuminate / to reflect / to look at (one's reflection) / to take (a photo) / photo / as requested / as before
zhào variant of 照[zhao4] / to shine / to illuminate
shài (of the sun) to shine on / to bask in (the sunshine) / to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun / (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share") / (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to
照耀 zhào yào to shine / to illuminate
打磨 to polish; to burnish; to shine
发光 guāng to emit light; to shine; to glow; to glisten; to be luminous
yìng to reflect (light) / to shine / to project (an image onto a screen etc)
焕发 huàn to shine / to glow / to irradiate / to flash
huī splendor / to shine upon
huī sunshine / to shine upon / variant of 輝|辉[hui1]
风雨无阻 fēng regardless of weather conditions / rain, hail or shine
晴雨 qíng rain or shine
映射 yìng shè to shine on / (math., linguistics etc) mapping
露脸 lòu liǎn to show one's face / to make one's good name / to become successful and well known / to shine
照射 zhào shè to shine on / to light up / to irradiate
发亮 liàng to shine / shiny
映照 yìng zhào to shine upon / to reflect
大放异彩 fàng cǎi to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment) / to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill
普照 zhào (of sunlight) to bathe all things; to shine gloriously
gǎo high / sun shines brightly / to shine
辉映 huī yìng to reflect / to shine
骄阳似火 jiāo yáng huǒ the sun shines fiercely
彪炳 biāo bǐng (literary) (of deeds, accomplishments etc) to shine brightly (in the annals of history etc) / (literary) outstanding; splendid; glorious
照映 zhào yìng to shine / to illuminate

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