English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: shiji shijia shijue shiqie shijiu shujie sijie shuijie ?

世界 shì jiè world (CL:個|个[ge4])
时节 shí jié season; time
师姐 shī jiě senior female fellow student or apprentice / daughter (older than oneself) of one's teacher
视界 shì jiè field of vision
使节 shǐ jié (diplomatic) envoy
石阶 shí jiē stone step
失节 shī jié to be disloyal (to one's country, spouse etc) / to lose one's chastity
十戒 shí jiè the ten commandments (religion)
拾芥 shí jiè to pick up cress / fig. sth easy to do / a piece of cake
事界 shì jiè event horizon
十诫 shí jiè ten commandments
石蜐 shí jié goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes)

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